Proxy contracts

To shadow a contract that is proxied, you’ll need to make shadow changes at the underlying implementation contract address. If the implementation contract changes, you’ll need to shadow the new implementation contract.

A proxy contract is a smart contract that forwards transactions to another implementation contract containing the business logic. The proxy acts as an intermediary, allowing the implementation to be updated without changing the contract address users interact with.

User ---- tx ---> Proxy ----------> Implementation_v0
                      ------------> Implementation_v1
                      ------------> Implementation_v2

For this example, we will be shadowing USDC to emit a custom event on every transfer. The custom event will be called TransferWithMetadata, and will contain additional metadata about the transfer, including the before and after balances, and the percent change.

USDC follows a proxy pattern with the following addresses:

Step 1 – Edit the implementation contract

Open the example on the Shadow Playground:

This will open the playground editor at the implementation contract at 0x43506849d7c04f9138d1a2050bbf3a0c054402dd (as of Jul 2024).

The bulk of the shadow contract changes lives in the FiatTokenV1.sol file.

At L57, we’ve defined the TransferWithMetadata event and a helper TransferMetadata struct:

struct TransferMetadata {
    uint256 balanceBefore;
    uint256 balanceAfter;
    int256 percentChange;

event TransferWithMetadata(
    address from, 
    address to, 
    uint256 amount, 
    TransferMetadata fromMetadata, 
    TransferMetadata toMetadata

Then lower down in the same file, we updated the _transfer function to emit our TransferWithMetadata shadow event:

function _transfer(
    address from,
    address to,
    uint256 value
) internal override {
    require(from != address(0), "ERC20: transfer from the zero address");
    require(to != address(0), "ERC20: transfer to the zero address");
        value <= _balanceOf(from),
        "ERC20: transfer amount exceeds balance"

    uint256 fromBalanceBefore = _balanceOf(from);
    uint256 fromBalanceAfter = _balanceOf(from).sub(value);
    int256 fromPercentChange = -int256(value * uint256(10)**uint256(6) / fromBalanceBefore);
    TransferMetadata memory fromTransferMetadata = TransferMetadata({
        balanceBefore: fromBalanceBefore,
        balanceAfter: fromBalanceAfter,
        percentChange: fromPercentChange

    uint256 toBalanceBefore = _balanceOf(to);
    uint256 toBalanceAfter = _balanceOf(to).add(value);
    int256 toPercentChange = int256(value * uint256(10)**uint256(6) / toBalanceBefore);
    TransferMetadata memory toTransferMetadata = TransferMetadata({
        balanceBefore: toBalanceBefore,
        balanceAfter: toBalanceAfter,
        percentChange: toPercentChange

    emit TransferWithMetadata(from, to, value, fromTransferMetadata, toTransferMetadata);

    _setBalance(from, _balanceOf(from).sub(value));
    _setBalance(to, _balanceOf(to).add(value));
    emit Transfer(from, to, value);

Step 2 – Test run your changes

Click “Compile” > “Test Run” in the top right corner, and paste in this transaction hash 0x8364a18d685976fd640a5ef24d9c8ef8a4eb25141d125ec87b642241dbedf853–– or you can simulate any other transaction that transferred USDC.

You should see your custom TransferWithMetadata in the output!

Step 3 – Deploy your changes

If you want to apply these changes on your shadow fork, click the button on the top right corner that says “Apply to your shadow fork”.

This will take you to the editor for your shadow fork, where you can deploy the changes by hitting “Compile > Deploy”.

Step 4 – Getting your data

Events added to an implementation contract are emitted by the proxy contract.

So if you want to see a realtime feed of your shadow events, you'll need to navigate to the proxy contract address 0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48.

This means that if you are retrieving data via RPC, you'll need to filter by the proxy contract address.

Similarly, if you are setting up a data export, you'll need to select the proxy contract address.

Last updated